I was thrilled when Yolie asked me to be a Guest Designer for Link Up for Pink. This is a very important cause for me as it concerns not only millions of other women but it affected me!
Let me tell you my story . . . I wasn't due to get my mammogram until January but my daughter had asked me to meet her for her sonogram beginning of December to see what the sex of my first grandchild was. While we were waiting, we were talking and she said since you're here why not see when you can get your mammogram appointment. Divine intervention was looking down on us that day because when I went over to the desk, they just happened to have an appointment and I could have it done after Jen's sonogram. Well, it was discovered Jen was having a "princess" and my mammogram went fine. I got a phone call Christmas Eve with the news that there were abnormalities and I would need a biopsy which was scheduled for January 3rd. I went January for my biopsy and markers were left inside the breast due to an undetermined mass.
My life got crazy as I was to see a surgeon to have the markers removed with a determinations as to the mass. My surgery kept getting postponed and rescheduled. My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in November and I was still running her to her chemo appointments when my dad's health start failing. Mom was getting more and more confused with the chemo and it was determined that her lung cancer had spread to her brain. My dad passed the end of January, Lily was born the beginning of March, and my mom passed on March 24th, the day of my surgery.
It was determined with the mass removed and a 2-inch scar on my right breast that I have atypical ductal hyplasia which is basically pre-cancer cells in the milk ducts and makes me a high-risk cancer patient. What does this mean? It means that I need to go to the Hillman center and have mammograms twice a year. There are a lot of women that walk around with this diagnosis and need to watch and monitor.
I'm lucky that I'm just a high-risk cancer patient but its scary walking around knowing this!!!!! Thus breast cancer awareness is a personal cause for me! Please be sure to do self-breast examination and have your mammogram after the age of 40 unless there is cancer in your family!!!! Do this for yourself and your famly! I know I want to be around to see my granddaughter grow up and see that precious smile. I will do this for myself and for her!!
My project is a card which I cut with my paper cutter. There are bras hanging on a pink polka dot ribbon clothes line with little tiny clothes pins. The bras were cut using Forever Young Cartridge. The little birdie on the inside was cut using Create a Critter. I cut the bras with fun colored scraps I had and even included a white bra for the utilitarian in us! The card was cut using one of my favorite paper stacks Linen and Lace. The breast cancer awareness ribbon the birdie is wearing is a brad.
Hope you not only enjoy my project but get your mammogram and do a monthly self-examination. Early detection is the key!
I do have blog candy --- I have some breast cancer awareness buttons. Please leave a comment on my blog and if you are not already a follower, I would love to have you follow me as I have a great Guest Design Team and we have a lot of fun projects!
Thank you for stopping by
God Bless
Hugs and Love,
Her Craftiness
Lynne, thanks for sharing your story. Beautiful card! Hugs,
This card is just wonderful!! I love the little clothespin and the brad that the birdie is wearing :) Great job!
Happy Scrappin'
Sue B
Super cute card,Thanks for sharing your story.
what a lovely card!
grzt Jolanda
Lynne...Your card is just lovely!!
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