Wednesday, November 12, 2014

#PinkandMain Cocoa Kisses

Mmmm, hot cocoa!  We are finally having cooler weather, enough to wear a sweater, a light one. I can't wait for it to really cool down.  Snuggle up with a cozy fleece blanket, watch some classic Christmas Claymation movies with a  steaming cup of cocoa not dark chocolate because that's too bitter for me.

Now onto my card.  I paired the coffee drinking, pajama wearing chica from Need Coffee with the sentiment from Cocoa KissesThe paper is a 6x6 paper pad from American Crafts, Hot Cocoa.  It was one of my bargain finds at Marshalls.  I couldn't seem to find any embellishments to coordinate with the paper or theme of the card, so I fuzzy cut the peppermints.  Added a bit of twine and stamped the snowflake on her mug with the snowflake from Snow Sweet.

Friendly reminder:  grab the new Pink and Main November Release bundle at a 20% savings. And the mini Santa stamp set is FREE with your $25 purchase!

Here's a quick glance at November's release:

By the way, the Bundle offer is still available!  Buy all of November stamp sets at a 20% savings!  Hurry!


Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

Thank you for visiting and happy crafting!